Your frequently asked questions

How are the return shipping costs set ?

If we have to send you back your product, you will receive an e-mail with a payment link for an amount of 12€, which corresponds to the shipping costs that we have taken care of and those of the retu…


How to contact you ?

If you want to contact our team, you can send a message on our Facebook page Sell on Wethenew. You will receive a response within 2 business days.


Do you buy products that are not on the Want To Buy ?

On Le Seller Space you can list all the products from your stock that you want to sell to us. You only need to see the product present on our site to list it. You can access the Want To Buy from Le S…


How to join the Wethenew team ?

You can find all our job offers (internship, apprenticeship, fixed term contract, permanent contract) on Welcome to the Jungle. The team is growing , don't hesitate to try your luck !


Is it possible to send my product from any country ?

We only accept products shipped from European Union countries. Any shipment outside the European Union must be reported to us in advance.

